

  • Created a dedicated Changelog page that shows all updates in one place
  • Created new structure for Post and Block types
  • Added new Block field for Embed URLs.
  • Fixed link to Changelog on the homepage
  • Added sections on the Calendar for 2023 and 2024


  • created static pages for posts, types, and calendar
  • moved changelogs to be on the calendar date pages as notes
  • created pagination elements


  • Posts (CMS collection) can reference new or updated posts for a Calendar
  • Posts (CMS collection) can reference the new Post Contents (CMS Collection)
  • Created a Post Contents (CMS Collection) for dyamic and flexible section insertion
  • Moved Tips to be a Post Type rather than a separate collection



  • navigation styles are cleaner, more responsive
  • navigation dropdown support
  • add new cms collections to support an upcoming project
  • template page for upcoming project supports theming


  • Added northeast arrow to external links
  • Hover outlines are half the width of focus outlines
  • Fixed shifting layout due to scrollbars
  • Updated SEO settings
  • Enabled RSS feed for Posts collection


  • 3 colors - main, secondary, and accent
  • Custom CSS for dark mode - auto swap of main and secondary colors
  • 2 containers - 60ch and 30ch which uses the character width unit
  • Section - padding using REM units
  • Headings - adjust sizes to REM, top-padding uses EM, bottom-padding uses REM
  • Custom CSS - adding outline to focus elements
  • Added a References collection


  • Starting my new site with a fresh blank project.
  • Trying the free Atkinson Hyperlegible Font from Braille Institute because I think it looks great!